In this session of Study House Live, we continue our series on the stories of Yeshua. We study and discuss the two miracles of Yeshua feeding crowds of people.
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Study to show thyself approved.
In this session of Study House Live, we continue our series on the stories of Yeshua. We study and discuss the two miracles of Yeshua feeding crowds of people.
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In this session of Study House Live, we continue our discussion of the stories of Yeshua. We explore the story of the adulteress who had been caught and brought before Yeshua, what he says, and its meaning in our lives.
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In this session of Study House Live, we discuss the stories of Yeshua from the Bible. It was an interesting talk that brought up a variety of topics that you’ll enjoy watching.
Check out the Study House Facebook page for more Bible study videos.
A quick word from Mary Singleton of Study House about the spring holidays. Watch and learn why followers of Yeshua should be observing Passover and not Easter.
In this video we will explore First John Chapter 3 and uncover its key themes and messages.
First John is a letter written by the apostle John to a community of believers. It is a powerful book that emphasizes the importance of love, obedience, and the assurance of salvation. Chapter 3 specifically focuses on the love of God and how it should transform us.
By studying First John Chapter 3, we can gain a deeper understanding of God’s love for us, the importance of living a righteous life, and the power we have as children of God. Let’s dive into this chapter together and allow its truths to transform our lives!
Join us at the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.