Study House Live December 17, 2023 | Studying Hebrews Chapter 9: The Physical Temple Transformed into the Inner Temple through Yeshua

Study House Live December 17, 2023

Study House Live December 17, 2023Welcome to our study of Hebrews chapter 9! In this study session, we discuss the transformation of the physical temple into the inner temple through the sacrifice of Yeshua.

Studying Hebrews chapter 9 reminds us of the incredible transformation that has taken place through Yeshua. The physical temple, with its limited access and temporary sacrifices, has been replaced by the inner temple made accessible to all through faith in Yeshua.

Visit the Study House page on Facebook for more bible study videos.

Study House Live November 30, 2023 | Continuing the Study of the Book of Hebrews Chapter 6

Study House Live November 30, 2023

Study House Live November 30, 2023Today, we will continue our journey through the book of Hebrews, focusing on chapter 6. This chapter is filled with important teachings and powerful insights that can strengthen our faith and deepen our understanding of God’s Word.

In this chapter we go deeper into the importance of spiritual maturity and bringing our faith into practice.

Follow the Study House page on Facebook to stay tuned as we continue to explore God’s Word together!

Study House Live November 26, 2023 | Continuing the Study of Hebrews Chapter 5

Study House Live November 26, 2023

Study House Live November 26, 2023Welcome back to our ongoing study of the teachings found in Hebrews chapter 5. This chapter is full of important insights and lessons that can greatly impact our spiritual journey. So, let’s get started!

Hebrews chapter 5 is a powerful reminder of the greatness of Yeshua as our High Priest and the importance of maturing in our faith. Let us take the lessons from this chapter to heart and continue to seek a deeper understanding of God’s Word. May our study of Hebrews chapter 5 inspire us to grow in our relationship with Yeshua and become more faithful followers of Him.

Study House Live November 19, 2023 | Continuing the Study of Hebrews With Chapter 4

Study House Live November 19, 2023

Study House Live November 19, 2023Welcome back to our ongoing study of the book of Hebrews! Today, we will continue our exploration with chapter 4. This chapter is filled with valuable lessons that can greatly impact our faith and daily lives. Click to watch the video!

Hebrews chapter 4 offers us profound insights into the rest that God provides and the power of His Word. As we continue our study of this chapter, let us open our hearts to receive the truths it holds and apply them to our lives. Let us seek God’s rest and allow His Word to guide and transform us. May our study of Hebrews chapter 4 deepen our faith and draw us closer to the Almighty.