Study House Live March 28, 2024 | The Book of Jude

Study House Live

Study House LiveThe Book of Jude is a short but powerful letter found in the New Testament of the Bible. It is often overlooked, but it contains important messages and lessons for believers. In this video, we explore the significance of studying the Book of Jude and how it can deepen our understanding of our faith.

Studying the Book of Jude can help us navigate the challenges and false teachings that we may encounter in our own lives. It reminds us to stand firm in our faith, be discerning, and rely on God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. By studying this short but powerful letter, we can grow in our understanding and be equipped to live out our calling as followers of Yeshua.

Visit the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live March 17, 2024 | First John Chapter 5: Faith, Eternal Life, and Prayer

Study House Live March 17, 2024

Study House Live March 17, 2024In this video we dive into the depths of First John Chapter 5. This chapter is filled with rich insights and powerful lessons that can transform your understanding of the Bible. Watch and explore some key themes and verses in this chapter.

Studying First John Chapter 5 offers us valuable insights into the power of faith, the assurance of eternal life, and the importance of prayer. Take time to reflect on these themes and allow them to transform your understanding of the Bible. Happy studying!

Study House Live March 7, 2024 | Continuing the Study of First John Chapter 2

Study House Live March 7, 2024

Study House Live March 7, 2024In this video, we continue our study of First John chapter 2. This chapter is filled with valuable insights and teachings that can help us deepen our understanding of the Bible and our faith.

As we continue our study of First John chapter 2, let us reflect on these teachings and apply them to our lives. May we strive to walk in obedience to God’s commandments, love one another, and grow in our relationship with Him. The wisdom and guidance found in this chapter can truly transform our lives and deepen our faith.

Join us at the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live January 28, 2024 | Studying the First Chapter of First Peter

Study House Live January 28, 2024

Study House Live January 28, 2024In this video, we begin an exploration of the first chapter of Peter I. This chapter is packed with wisdom and encouragement that can inspire and guide us in our daily lives.

We start with the context in which this book was written, which was an extremely difficult time for the early church.

As we study the first chapter of First Peter, let’s be encouraged by the hope we have in Yeshua, the refining of our faith, the call to holiness, and the importance of sincere love. May these verses inspire us to live out our faith boldly and to be a light in the world around us.

Visit the Study House Facebook page for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live January 25, 2024 | Exploring James Chapter 5

Study House Live January 25, 2024

Welcome to our Bible Study on James Chapter 5

Study House Live January 25, 2024In our ongoing journey through the book of James, we have arrived at chapter 5. This chapter is filled with wisdom and practical advice for believers, offering guidance on various aspects of life. In this video, we explore the key themes and messages found within James Chapter 5.

As we study James Chapter 5, we are reminded of the importance of patience, prayer, and using our resources wisely. James provides practical guidance for navigating the challenges of life with a focus on faith and righteous living. Let us apply these teachings to our lives as we seek to grow in our relationship with God and serve others.

Visit the Study House page on Facebook for our next Bible study session.