Study House Live March 3, 2024 | Studying First John Chapter 3

Study House Live March 3, 2024

Study House Live March 3, 2024In this video we will explore First John Chapter 3 and uncover its key themes and messages.

First John is a letter written by the apostle John to a community of believers. It is a powerful book that emphasizes the importance of love, obedience, and the assurance of salvation. Chapter 3 specifically focuses on the love of God and how it should transform us.

By studying First John Chapter 3, we can gain a deeper understanding of God’s love for us, the importance of living a righteous life, and the power we have as children of God. Let’s dive into this chapter together and allow its truths to transform our lives!

Join us at the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live January 28, 2024 | Studying the First Chapter of First Peter

Study House Live January 28, 2024

Study House Live January 28, 2024In this video, we begin an exploration of the first chapter of Peter I. This chapter is packed with wisdom and encouragement that can inspire and guide us in our daily lives.

We start with the context in which this book was written, which was an extremely difficult time for the early church.

As we study the first chapter of First Peter, let’s be encouraged by the hope we have in Yeshua, the refining of our faith, the call to holiness, and the importance of sincere love. May these verses inspire us to live out our faith boldly and to be a light in the world around us.

Visit the Study House Facebook page for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live November 12, 2023 | Exploring Hebrews Chapter 2: Understanding the Message of the Bible

Study House Live November 12, 2023

Study House Live November 12, 2023Welcome back to our series on the book of Hebrews! Today, we will be diving into Hebrews chapter 2. So grab your Bible and let’s explore together!

As we delve into this chapter, let us reflect on the truths and lessons it offers. The message of the Bible, as revealed in this chapter, is one of hope, redemption, and the incredible love of our Savior. May we continue to grow in our understanding and appreciation of God’s Word.

Visit the Study House Facebook page for more Bible study.

Study House Live November 9, 2023 | Unveiling the Message of the Book of Hebrews: A Deeper Study

Study House Live November 9, 2023

Continuing Study of the Book of Hebrews

Study House Live November 9, 2023Welcome back to our live session as we delve deeper into the message of the book of Hebrews.

As we study the book of Hebrews, we are reminded of the divinity of Yeshua. He is not just a prophet or a teacher, but the very embodiment of God’s love and grace. Through his sacrifice, he offers us redemption and eternal life.

Visit the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study.