Study House Live March 14, 2024 | First John Chapter 4: Love, Discernment, and Knowing God’s Love

Study House Live March 14, 2024

Study House Live March 14, 2024In this video we study First John Chapter 4. In this chapter, John shares important insights and teachings that are still relevant to us today. Let’s dive in and explore the key themes and messages found in this chapter.

John warns us about the presence of false spirits and false prophets. He encourages us to test the spirits and discern whether they are from God or not. This is important for our spiritual growth and protection. By studying God’s Word and relying on the Holy Spirit, we can develop discernment and avoid being led astray by false teachings.

As we study First John Chapter 4, let’s reflect on these important teachings and apply them to our lives. May we grow in love, discernment, and the knowledge of God’s incredible love for us.

Study House Live March 10, 2024 | Understanding First John Chapter 3: God’s Love and Assurance

Study House Live March 10, 2024

Study House Live March 10, 2024In this video we continue our study of First John chapter 2 beginning at verse 29, and then get into chapter 3. First John chapter 3 is a rich and insightful passage in the Bible that offers guidance and encouragement to believers. This chapter delves into the concept of God’s love for us and how it should shape our lives as followers of Yeshua.

First John chapter 3 offers assurance and confidence to believers. It reminds us that as children of God, we have the promise of eternal life through faith in Yeshua. This assurance gives us hope and confidence, even in the midst of challenges and uncertainties.

By studying First John chapter 3, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s love, our identity as His children, and our call to live a life that reflects His character. Let us embrace this chapter as a guide for our daily lives, seeking to love others as God loves us and living with assurance and confidence in His promises.

Study House Live March 7, 2024 | Continuing the Study of First John Chapter 2

Study House Live March 7, 2024

Study House Live March 7, 2024In this video, we continue our study of First John chapter 2. This chapter is filled with valuable insights and teachings that can help us deepen our understanding of the Bible and our faith.

As we continue our study of First John chapter 2, let us reflect on these teachings and apply them to our lives. May we strive to walk in obedience to God’s commandments, love one another, and grow in our relationship with Him. The wisdom and guidance found in this chapter can truly transform our lives and deepen our faith.

Join us at the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live March 3, 2024 | Studying First John Chapter 3

Study House Live March 3, 2024

Study House Live March 3, 2024In this video we will explore First John Chapter 3 and uncover its key themes and messages.

First John is a letter written by the apostle John to a community of believers. It is a powerful book that emphasizes the importance of love, obedience, and the assurance of salvation. Chapter 3 specifically focuses on the love of God and how it should transform us.

By studying First John Chapter 3, we can gain a deeper understanding of God’s love for us, the importance of living a righteous life, and the power we have as children of God. Let’s dive into this chapter together and allow its truths to transform our lives!

Join us at the Study House page on Facebook for more Bible study videos.

Study House Live February 29, 2024 | Studying First John Chapter 2

Study House Live February 29, 2024

Study House Live February 29, 2024Are you ready to dive into the depths of First John chapter 2? This chapter is filled with wisdom and guidance for our Christian walk. In this video, we read the chapter and highlight the key themes and verses together.

As you study First John chapter 2, take the time to meditate on these key themes and verses. Allow the wisdom and guidance found in this chapter to shape your faith and strengthen your relationship with God. May your study of the Bible be a source of inspiration and transformation in your life.

Visit the Study House Facebook page for more Bible study.